How to Purchase a Drumset this Holiday Season

What do you say when your son or daughter asks for a drumset this holiday season? Although the first reaction may be “not in my lifetime”, here are a few things to think about when you decide to purchase your first drumset.

One of the most important features to look for on an entry level drumset is if it includes cymbals and a seat (throne). This will avoid experiencing the “what do you mean batteries aren’t included?” feeling Christmas morning, as your child looks at you in disgust. Since many of the top manufacturers include all items needed to start playing immediately, it should be something that you look for. Some off-brand or store brand drumsets disguise the fact that they do not come with everything needed to play.

The height of your child is another factor to consider when picking out a drumset. Purchasing the correct size drumset will allow a more comfortable playing experience, and will enable your child to have an easier time learning to play. If your child is of medium to tall height, then a 22″ Bass Drum set will work perfectly. If your child is on the smaller size, a drumset with a 20″ Bass Drum may be more appropriate. The smaller sized drums will make it easier to play, because it will be easier to position the drums in the correct playing positions.

You will find dozens of possibilities when looking for entry level drumsets, but we would suggest sticking with a major brand name. Purchasing a brand name drumset will allow you to get replacement parts or even add onto the drumset in the future when your child wants more “stuff” down the road. “Off Brand” names will not be able to provide the parts and service that a brand name manufacturer can provide. Playing any instrument is hard enough without having to deal with broken parts that cannot be fixed. Add the fact that all of the major brands are now competitively priced with off brands, and it seems like sticking to the major names is an easy choice. Some of the major drumset manufaturers include Gretsch, Ludwig, Pearl and Yamaha.


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